

I love hearing from everyone! If you have a question, comment, or travel suggestion – please use the email address below to get in touch with me.

If you’re a location that would like to work with Fave Travels, please also let us know what type of travel and visit you had in mind.

How We Travel

Some of our adventures are completely planned and paid for by us while others may be suggestions or collaborations with travel locations, destinations, and overnight stay options.  But no matter how the adventure comes about – I only share recommendations on places I truly believe you may enjoy.  If we are hosted at a location, that will always be made clear in the article.

How to Work with Us

If you are a travel location, destination, or overnight stay option, you may reach out to me at:  tiffany@travelbystate.com

Please note that I prefer to feature experiences where the entire family is invited.

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